Multi-task…Nature’s Way

I felt focused in the garden yesterday in a not so focused kind of way. Perhaps you’ve experienced great days like this too. Spring feels as if it has finally arrived in NC to the point of not turning back. (at least it BETTER NOT!) Yesterday it felt like the energy in my body was crying out to merge with the energy in nature. Sap was/is flowing everywhere! Without an end in sight I set out to my overgrown yard and followed up on one task until it led to the next. It was like an improvisational dance making sense every step of the way, but completely unplanned. First was the planting of the azalea I bought 2 weeks ago…Right in front of the kitchen window. Digging the hole felt wonderfully physical and helped disperse some built up energy that I’d been storing up for at least a week! Then it was on to raking and pulling up vines. Again, moving felt wonderful and I felt productive as ivy began to disappear and a yard began to take shape. Then the falling decorative vine beckoned me to give it more support around the porch posts. Now, it stays up nicely, softening the posts and integrating them into the garden. Looking at my clock I discovered that 3 hours had passed and I felt happy and satisfied with my accomplishments.
Utilizing the energy of ADHD towards productivity can be very affirming, as it was for me yesterday. So often we feel “less than” as we try to do our jobs and complete our tasks according to the standards of others. This may be the world we live in and we would help ourselves by creating systems that allow us to do our jobs well. But if we are to value who we are we must balance this with allowing our brains and bodies to be productive in ways that are natural to us. So, find that sweet spot in your life where your sap flows and productivity explodes. Ask yourself , “Where have I felt great satisfaction in doing something in my life?” Was it gardening, cleaning, doing art, making origami, washing your car? Write down your areas of satisfied productiveness. I would bet you will uncover some pretty amazing ways you can enjoy feeling energized and productive. I know I did and I can’t wait to start again!
